Now everyone is puttin on their status' 'HEYYYYY HAVE U HEARD THAT GRIMS REAPER IS BACK... OMGG I HOPE THEY DONT HACK ME!!!!!' n some people have also been saying ... 'Come at me bro, how would i be scared of u u fwuckin bwicchhh..XD' So were just warning you about it... Make ur account safe... also check out ishacool's wall... |
As you can see... 'GrimmsReaper' wants to hack Ishacool... Obviously.. he would go to ishacool first... as she is the highest on Moviestarplanet... But also I dont get why he wants to hack a girl.. maybe he would like buy his wishy or something... but its not like hes gonna give her clothes to him.. I mean really... ? |
So just keep ur account safe thanks for reading.
- Princess&Mezza<3
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